Saturday, July 17, 2010


Genova, Italia
Thursday, July 8th, 2010, 21:37

Determined to make use of the Genoese nightlife that Wikitravel promised us, we set out to find it on our second night. We made the one-minute walk to Piazza de Ferrari where we noticed so-called "young people" hanging out the night before. It was still early by Italian standards, but we took our place on the steps.* After 20 minutes of sitting and observing more people gathering in the Piazza, we got bored and began questioning the validity of Wikipedia. Enough people were walking in the direction of Piazza del Erbe that something must have been going on, so we followed the crowd; this yielded a wealth of Genoese-style nightlife.

This Genoese style nightlife includes: standing around looking at restaurants, eating at restaurants, sitting at tables, and eating gelato. What a disappointment. However, we got gelato just like every other 16 year old hanging out on this fine Thursday night, so we consider it a success in our cultural immersion.

What we learned: Don't listen to guidebooks, Wikitravel, or anything you find on Google, at least about Genoa. It's a conspiracy to make it look like there is a wealth of nightlife for "young people."

And so, with that lesson, this blog was born: out of the lies of other travel resources, we aim to discover the truth hidden within these cities. The quest continues.

*These steps are nightlife for the Genoese youth, and various strung out homeless men.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much to comment inmy blog :D

