Here are our top choices for beaches near Genova, Italy. They're all pretty for different reasons, and they're all free. Keep in mind that sand beaches are more or less non-existent here.
Proximity: A
15 minutes outside of Centro Storico by train.
Swim-ability: C
The water is clear, but accidentally kicking one of the huge rocks can result in painful cuts and bruises.
Tan-ability: C
More rocks. In places you never want rocks poking you.
Number 2: Bogliasco
Proximity: A
Just two stops further than Nervi.
Swim-ability: B
Unless you're into seaweed, swim to the other side of the beach. Also, it's shallower than your ex-boyfriend, but still nice to swim in. Plus, there's a nice (free) rinse-off shower.
Tan-ability: A
Itty bitty rocks, and nothing blocking out the sun. It's a small beach, though, so it's crowded.
Number 1: Varigotti (See below)
Proximity: C
It's a long train ride, but you're a big kid. It's worth it.
Swim-ability: A
The water is either clear or wavy - it's clean and fun.
Tan-ability: A
Just bring something to lay on and your sunblock. Plenty of space and sun for all.